Bringing Family Together: Canada’s Super Visa for Parents and Grandparents

Amit Hasan


Family is the foundation of our lives, providing us with a sense of belonging, support, and connection. For many Canadians, having their parents and grandparents close by is an essential part of this familial bond. However, the challenges of long-distance travel and the complexities of immigration can often make it difficult for elderly relatives to visit and stay with their families in Canada.

Fortunately, the Canadian government has introduced the “Super Visa” program, a unique and innovative solution that aims to bridge the gap and bring families together. In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of the Super Visa, its benefits, and the process of obtaining one, helping you navigate the path to reuniting with your beloved parents and grandparents.

What is the Canada Super Visa?

The Canada Super Visa is a multiple-entry visa that allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to visit their family in Canada for an extended period of time. Unlike a regular visitor visa, which typically grants a stay of up to six months, the Super Visa can be valid for up to 10 years and allows for stays of up to 2 years at a time.

Eligibility for the Canada Super Visa

To be eligible for the Canada Super Visa, applicants must meet the following requirements: super visa for parents and grandparents in canada.

  1. Be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  2. Provide a written letter of invitation from their child or grandchild who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  3. Demonstrate that they have adequate health insurance coverage for their stay in Canada, with a minimum coverage of $100,000.
  4. Meet the income requirement, which is currently set at a minimum of $20,000 CAD in the applicant’s income or that of their child or grandchild who is the host.
  5. Provide a valid travel document, such as a passport, with at least 2 blank pages.

Benefits of the Canada Super Visa

The Canada Super Visa offers several significant advantages for parents and grandparents, as well as their Canadian hosts:

  1. Longer Stays: The Super Visa allows for stays of up to 2 years at a time, providing ample time for families to reconnect, share experiences, and create lasting memories.
  2. Flexibility: The multiple-entry nature of the Super Visa means that parents and grandparents can come and go from Canada as needed, without the hassle of reapplying for a new visa each time.
  3. Family Bonding: By facilitating extended visits, the Super Visa strengthens familial bonds and allows for deeper connections between generations.
  4. Caretaking Support: Elderly parents and grandparents can provide valuable childcare and assistance to their Canadian family members, helping to alleviate the stresses of daily life.
  5. Reduced Costs: Compared to the costs of frequent short-term visits, the Super Visa can be a more cost-effective solution for families.

The Application Process for the Canada Super Visa

Applying for the Canada Super Visa involves several steps, which include: what is an invitation letter from canada.

  1. Gathering Required Documents: Applicants will need to collect all the necessary documents, such as a valid passport, proof of income, and the written letter of invitation from their Canadian child or grandchild.
  2. Completing the Application: The application form, which is available on the Government of Canada’s website, must be filled out accurately and completely.
  3. Submitting the Application: The completed application, along with the required documents and the applicable fees, can be submitted either online or by mail.
  4. Waiting for a Decision: The processing time for a Super Visa application can vary, but generally takes several weeks to several months. Applicants will be notified of the decision by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) office.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I apply for the Canada Super Visa from outside of Canada?
    Yes, the Super Visa application can be submitted from outside of Canada, as long as the applicant meets the eligibility requirements.
  2. Do I need to have a specific amount of money in my bank account to apply for the Super Visa?
    There is no specific amount of money required in the applicant’s bank account. However, they must demonstrate that they have a minimum income of $20,000 CAD, either from their own income or that of their Canadian child or grandchild.
  3. Can I work in Canada while on a Super Visa?
    No, the Super Visa is a visitor visa, and it does not allow the holder to work in Canada. The purpose of the visa is for the parent or grandparent to visit and stay with their Canadian family members.
  4. How often can I visit Canada on a Super Visa?
    The Super Visa is a multiple-entry visa, which means that the holder can come and go from Canada as many times as they need to during the validity period of the visa, which can be up to 10 years.
  5. Can I extend my stay in Canada beyond the 2-year limit?
    No, the maximum stay allowed under the Super Visa is 2 years at a time. If the parent or grandparent wishes to stay longer, they would need to apply for a new Super Visa.


The Canada Super Visa is a remarkable program that enables families to come together and share precious moments. By providing extended stays and greater flexibility, the Super Visa helps to bridge the gap between loved ones and strengthens the bonds that hold families together.

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident looking to host your parents or grandparents for an extended visit, the Super Visa can be a game-changer. By understanding the eligibility requirements and the application process, you can take the first step towards bringing your family closer and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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